Catholic Teachers' Lounge

Welcome to the Catholic Teachers’ Lounge – the only podcast by Catholic school teachers, for Catholic school teachers! Hosted by Jill Annable and Colleen McCoy-Cejka, each episode of Catholic Teachers’ Lounge features ideas for your classroom that we gather from all over the country. It’s a great way to exchange ideas and affirm your efforts!

Most recent episodes

Transition and connection

Use the summer to prepare kids to comfortably start the year together. Offering some short, easy connection opportunities, like popsicles in the park, is...

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Things in Moderation

Trying to make big changes all at once can result in undesirable outcomes. Making changes, personally or professionally, can be a slow and steady...

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Nervous system reset

The vagus nerve connects the brain to all bodily organs and is therefor affected by almost every internal and external stimulus. In this episode,...

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Life on display

Seeing and hearing an unborn baby impacts pro-life beliefs and advocacy. Jill shares a story about an elementary school having live ultrasounds for the...

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Using interviews as a learning tool

Interviews can be used as a flexible teaching, learning, and assessment tool in many classes and at any grade level. This episode highlights ways...

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Coding Student Work

The methods of qualitative research apply to grading papers, too. When grading a stack of papers, how do you categorize them by what you...

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