Episodes: List

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Transition and connection

Use the summer to prepare kids to comfortably start the year together. Offering some short, easy connection opportunities, like popsicles in the park, is good for teachers, parents, and...

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Things in Moderation

Trying to make big changes all at once can result in undesirable outcomes. Making changes, personally or professionally, can be a slow and steady process. Whether talking about personal...

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Nervous system reset

The vagus nerve connects the brain to all bodily organs and is therefor affected by almost every internal and external stimulus. In this episode, Colleen and Jill discuss the...

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Life on display

Seeing and hearing an unborn baby impacts pro-life beliefs and advocacy. Jill shares a story about an elementary school having live ultrasounds for the student body to experience life...

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Using interviews as a learning tool

Interviews can be used as a flexible teaching, learning, and assessment tool in many classes and at any grade level. This episode highlights ways to integrate interviews to create...

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Coding Student Work

The methods of qualitative research apply to grading papers, too. When grading a stack of papers, how do you categorize them by what you notice? Using codes to create...

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Teaching Writing in Lower Grades

Learning to write is a long process with milestones at each grade level. In this episode Colleen and Jill discuss the fundamentals of learning to write in the lower...

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AP vs. Dual Credit

Which is better, Advanced Placement or Dual Credit? This episode debates the merit of offering these types of courses in high schools.

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Reasons kids misbehave and detach

It’s important for teachers to remember that student behaviors are not personal. This episode reveals 5 reasons why students misbehave and detach in school.

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Anti-picks for summer reading

In this episode, Colleen and Jill discuss ways to get kids to read over the summer, specifically through trickery.

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Risk taking & resilience

A recent study has shown a drastic drop in risk taking behaviors among teens. This episode unpacks why this is NOT a good thing for kids, and how risk...

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Learning Languages

After experiencing “Italian for Survivors” in a high school in Perugia, Italy, Jill realizes that our students back here in the US do not have much exposure to other...

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Data walls for curriculum development

In many schools data walls are used to show student progress and achievement. In this episode Colleen and Jill explore the idea of using data walls to show alignment...

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Letters to Saints

Have you ever been surprised by a saint? In this episode we discuss St. Anthony of Padua and Blessed Carlo. Those who pray for their intercessions drop them notes...

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If the Walls Could Talk

Motivation, resources, and inspiration come to life with whatever you place on the walls of the classroom. The same goes for teachers’ lounge and the school in general. Bring...

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May Crazies

Regular rules go out the window in the month of May for behavior rules and classroom management policies, but that doesn’t mean we can’t plan accordingly. How to make...

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Circus Strategies

Keeping kids engaged during spring fever with the end of the year in sight is especially challenging. Explore several fun and easy suggestions from creative teachers.

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Helping Parents

There is no such thing as parent norms. Every family and home situation is unique, making it complicated to assume what every student should or shouldn’t do. How to...

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Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts can be fun learning tools for students, staff and even parents. It integrates movement, purpose, and a sense of adventure to share ideas and concepts in a...

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Vertical Chats

Mid-year conversations open up all sorts of new ideas and tips — especially talking to teachers who taught your students last year and teachers who will teach your kids...

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Buddy System

Middle school students buddy up with younger grades all the time for prayer and camaraderie, but teachers are experimenting with literature connections as well — developing modified flip books...

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Device Dilemma

Our greatest resource is also our biggest crutch. The final result of extended screen time is yet to be determined, but everyone recognizes the challenge at hand — mental...

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Refresh and Renew

At this stage of the year, everyone can use a refresh. This is a perfect time of year to redecorate classroom walls, declutter desks and shelves and rotate classroom...

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Delegation Dilemma

Every school is challenged with too much to do and not enough time to do it so delegation and shared knowledge is challenge we all face. We lean in...

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Lights,Camera, Action!

Movie producers know the impact of environment when telling a compelling story, but rarely do we think about the sensory impact of our classroom setting to optimize learning and...

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New Perspective

The day after the eclipse, take a moment to look at what you do and how you do it with a new set of eyes. It’s easy to stick...

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Full Eclipse

Making memories with the unique and historic eclipse before, during or after the 8th with art, science and study projects.

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Lessons in Movement

Bring lessons to life with engaging activities that incorporate movement into learning, understanding and memorization.

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Spring Forward

Managing the post spring break Easter energy level is an annual challenge for teachers as schools head into the end of year homestretch.

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Lenten Humility

Lent is not about being perfect. It’s normal to fall short. This powerful lesson provides an opportunity to learn from shortcomings in all aspects of our life as we...

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Accompanying Students

The temptations students face don’t stop after Lent. Recognizing and supporting students in their journey of faith is an opportunity and responsibility for all teachers to make a difference.

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Lenten Lessons for Teachers

Temptation impacts everyone — students and teachers alike. Lent is a wonderful opportunity to reassess and evaluate our own lives, personally and professionally.

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DNA of a Great Day

What is the morning routine that gets you in the right frame of mind every time?

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Math Hacks

Bringing Math to life takes more than numbers — whether you are using shaving cream as a home made white board or tackling word problems using reading techniques.

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Please Redo

When do you stop the teaching train to make sure a student understands a key concept vs. just moving on to the next concept and assume the student will...

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Memorization Methodology

Teacher Elizabeth D’Aurora asks for feedback on her practice of hearing every 3rd grade student recite memorized prayers — including non-Catholic students. It is a logistical challenge as well...

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Toys vs. Tools

What is the role and value of tactile learning in the classroom? Whether it is a science experiment or simply practicing handwriting, fine motor skills play a role in...

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To Tech or Not to Tech

Technology has always been a double edge sword. Strategically minimizing screen time while maximizing engagement with digital tools is an ongoing conversation and experiment. Join the dialogue!

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Parent Partners

Tough talk on the reality of partnering with parents when it comes to school policies and missing classroom time. Are we empowering bad behavior or we effectively collaborating with...

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Outside Connections

Making time for connecting with kids (and their families) outside the classroom at sporting events, school performances and other activities take relationships to a new level as you show...

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House Communities

Breaking up grade levels with the creation of house communities for students to grow and connect in new and different ways with other students at different ages and stages....

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Peer Feedback

Peer editing is ripe for difficulty, but one teacher cracked the code of peer feedback with groups of four to effectively navigate the process of constructive criticism, using reading...

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Teaching Beyond the Text

It’s important for students to see teachers as real people with real talents beyond being subject matter experts. Learn about the possibilities surrounding a Day of Engagement where teachers...

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Real World Classrooms

Student engagement has to be deeper than simply a desire to please the teacher. When the stakes are higher, we see students perform better and with more effort. Opportunities...

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Action and Expression

In addition to presenting content to students, there are many flexible ways to allow students to present the content back to the teacher. Opening the door to adaptive technology...

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Mindset of Universal Design

Universal Design is not a methodology, but instead it is a mindset or awareness. Many teachers are practicing it in some forms. Representation is a great example, as teachers...

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Engaging Students

Student engagement is the holy grail of every classroom. Historically, differentiation was identified as the path to successfully connecting with every child, but this is not sustainable for even...

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Crying Over Homework

“This shouldn’t be so hard.” “This shouldn’t take so long.” But it’s never really about the homework. Stress, feeling tired and overwhelmed, clunky technology or whatever the real reason,...

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Trials and Tribulations

Engaging kids in mock trials of real issues to explore empathy, understanding and facts is a great way to bring the classroom to life. Hear more about one theology...

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Wow Factor

Teaching the youngest of our schools can bring out the best and worst of all of us, but it serves as a microcosm of teaching at any grade. Hear...

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