Jill & Colleen

Artificial Intelligence: Guiding Principles

AI is not going away. In fact, it can be an extremely helpful tool for students, teachers and administrators when used the right way. How can it be helpful in some situations and avoided in other situations as we help students maintain their voice and appreciate who they have been created to be.

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Artificial Intelligence: Integrity and Ethics

Defining the scope of procedures and policies surrounding the use of AI in a school setting can not only be overwhelming, but impossible due to the constantly changing reality. Instead, focus on how to connect universal themes of integrity and ethics to student and teacher decision making as it relates to AI.

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I Am Worthy

Navigating normal anxiety and feelings of imposter syndrome are hard enough without teachers also bearing the brunt of society’s blame game when it comes to what students learn (or not) in the classroom. It’s time to reject the lie that I am not enough. Shout out for doing the work!

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