Episodes: List

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Lenten Anticipation

The Ball of Red String is a delightfully easy read for young kids, but as we enter the Lenten journey, it can lead to many deeper insights and questions...

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Geek to Geek

How to share your excitement about a new idea, thought, book or approach without it being dismissed as the “flavor of the week” because everyone is busy and overworked?...

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Classroom Whodunnit

Jill and Colleen go all in on CSI-like tips and technique thanks to a creative teacher who made her own murder board to break down characters and plot twists...

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Catholic Schools Week with Mary Pat Donoghue

With a heart for teaching, Mary Pat Donoghue has run the gamut of supporting Catholic schools as a teacher, administrator and consultant. Now, she serves as the Executive Director...

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Catholic Schools Week with Kevin Baxter

How wonderful that a former middle school teacher is now forming and inspiring future school principals? This is what the Catholic Teachers Lounge is all about with special guest...

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Catholic Schools Week with Bruce Hermie

School choice is changing the landscape of Catholic school enrollment and who better to talk about the positives and negatives than a former teacher, coach, and principal. Hear more...

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Catholic Schools Week with Elizabeth D’Aurora

Every school has a trusted teacher that everyone looks up to no matter what grade they teach. Today’s guest, Elizabeth D’Aurora, a 3rd grade teacher from Parnell Michigan, is...

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Catholic Schools Week with Dr. Debbie Sullivan

Taking a stroll down memory lane with special guest Dr. Debbie Sullivan from the Greeley Center for Catholic Education at Loyola Chicago to savor all the wonderful traditions of...

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Home Schooling at School

Welcoming home schoolers into a community is what Catholic schools are all about. Students can embrace new friends and teachers can see education and learning methods with a fresh...

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Art Coach

Many teachers also coach, but how many coaches also teach? Bringing a coach mentality to the classroom can significantly improve skill development and application across disciplines. It can embrace...

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Exit Question

How do we know students are grasping the lessons of the day — especially if they are working independently or across multiple ages and stages of learning? It is...

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Information Overload

We love to do field trips and other immersive teaching opportunities, but when there is so much to see, do and experience, we risk information overload for students with...

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Super Substitutes

By its nature, substitute teaching is usually unplanned, but the preparation doesn’t have to be — by the teacher AND school. An annual substitute orientation session for new and...

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Nurturing Narcisism?

Jennifer Wallace’s new book Never Enough opens our eyes to the pressure on kids and parents to achieve, achieve, achieve and the unintended consequence of teaching our young people...

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Finding Time

In our culture of achievement, we are seeing the impact of overscheduling on our students. Is it the responsibility of the teacher to give less (or no) homework or...

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A-Ha Moments

Building on the tension filled dialogue episode, how to recognize a-ha moments of discovery and connection vs. students simply looking to de-rail the conversation? And then how does this...

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Trust in Tension

Real discussion requires tension and varied perspectives — but it can be stressful and scary to not be able to control the dialogue. How do we trust the process...

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Year in Review

Evaluating and remembering the past can help us improve for the future. It’s also helpful to take time to connect with others and acknowledge gratitude for our time together.

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Christmas Duties

We do our best to stay focused on the real reason for the season, but the reality is teachers are the ones who have to juggle the challenges of...

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Songs of Faith

Combining pop culture with our Catholic faith by mixing popular music with prayers or scripture — “Weird Al” Yankovic style! It brings creativity, fun and a deeper understanding or...

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Teachers at Conventions

So much happens at a teacher convention! In this episode Colleen shares ideas from teachers at the Indiana Nonpublic Education Association Convention. Teachers talked about their best classroom practices...

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Professional Development Days

Professional learning is an expectation at most schools, but sometimes teachers are required to participate in professional development without any choice in what they are going to learn about....

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Prayer for People

As Catholics, our rituals are a wonderful way to grow in faith, but unscripted, group prayer can also be an intentional community builder for any classroom as we share...

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Thank you notes to Mary

Another Loyola Press advent lesson is referenced, Advent cards. We encourage students to consider what they say YES to, from a kindergartner thanking Mary for her YES, to high...

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Advent Traditions

Colleen asks what’s happening in schools as we begin Advent. It’s a time of preparation, and the prayer of the moment is that even those are secularly preparing for...

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Blessing an Advent Wreath

Consider adding an Advent Wreath to your classroom, beginning the season with an advent wreath blessing. We discuss the Loyola Press lesson on blessing an Advent wreath.

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Test Anxiety

What if students had five minutes to talk about the test between handing it out and starting to answer questions? How do we help students reduce tension and settle...

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Leadership Conflict

Public prayer can be intimidating for some teachers — especially when doing so one on one with parents instead of leading children in memorized prayers — but mandated faith...

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ESport Exploration

E-Sports is gaining traction from college down to grade school. Strategy, teamwork, and communication can boost camaraderie and life experience for students, but it also increases screen time and...

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Teachers as Students

When we open our minds and hearts, there is much to learn from the students we serve. We believe in their growth and can be pleasantly surprised by their...

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Solidarity & Witness

Prayer can be a unifying experience for teachers and staff when facilitated in a personal and flexible fashion because teachers have challenges too. Prayer can help bridge gaps and...

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Chronic Absenteeism

Over communication is critical, but maintaining a sense of privacy for the child is important as well. When it comes to juggling mental health challenges, what does success look...

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Vacation vs. vocation

Exploring the reach of parents as primary educator of the child when parents excuse their kids from school for vacation. Whose responsibility is it to keep the students up...

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Teaching with AI

Artificial Intelligence can create classroom havoc or magic solutions. On the positive side, it can feed the planning process with ideas and suggestions. But as with any new technology,...

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Veterans Day

What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about patriotism? How can we best honor veterans in our Catholic schools? This episode honors the stance of the Church...

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Student-led Fundraising

Fundraising is a necessity for Catholic high schools, but the duties of fundraising can be shared among staff and students. In this episode, Jill shares a recent fundraising victory...

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College Applications

Applying for colleges today is so different than when we went to college! This episode shares insights from a college counselor on the current reality of applying for colleges...

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Inner Kindergartner

Everything you learned about teaching, you learned in Kindergarten. Explicit instructions, patience, manners and more. Channel your inner Kindergartner and bring your teaching to the next level.

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Maximizing Instruction Time

Arriving early, leaving late — what is your preparation routine to make the most of classroom instructional time while maintaining a reasonable personal balance of work and home life?

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Life Skills

From handshakes to interview questions and communications skills to leadership opportunities, there are many ways to prepare students for the real world, no matter the grade level. How to...

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Blame Game

It’s easy to blame the pandemic for every current classroom challenge, but the reality is most of these challenges have been present for a long time. Becoming more deliberate...

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Student Surprises

As the adult in the room and subject matter experts, it’s easy to make teaching all about the teacher, but students surprise us every day with their insights, gifts...

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The Classroom of Noah’s Ark

Every teacher has a unique, go-to lesson or activity to capture the imagination of their students and many times it can involve animals or insects. Tapping into God’s creations...

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Talking About Writing

Practice makes perfect, but so does self and peer review. How to effectively use peer to peer reviews of student writing to help everyone improve.

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Group Think

Assigning group work can be a recipe for disaster no matter the age of the kids. However, disciplined assignment of roles and responsibilities can successfully help students navigate this...

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Eyes vs. Thumbs

In a world dominated by social media and electronic communication, facilitating classroom discussion that includes peer to peer eye contact, active listening, and mutual respect can be a significant...

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Special Impact

Electives and specials can be few and far between for some Catholic schools, but there is a concerted effort to make specials a bigger priority to help elevate kids...

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To Homework or Not To Homework

This eternal question can be equally frustrating for teachers, students and parents alike as everyone has an opinion and perspective. Practice and repetition can certainly be helpful, but if...

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Rewards vs. Recognition

Reinforcing positive behavior is an exercise in creativity across ages and stages in every school. How to balance the standbys of food or prize rewards against the higher potential...

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Artificial Intelligence: Fears and Concerns

Fear of the unknown can be a helpful mechanism to proceed with caution in some areas. It can also hold us back from future discovery. But the reality is...

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