Jill & Colleen

Device Dilemma

Our greatest resource is also our biggest crutch. The final result of extended screen time is yet to be determined, but everyone recognizes the challenge at hand — mental health challenges, shorter attention spans, inability to work well with others, etc. Awareness is step number one.

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Refresh and Renew

At this stage of the year, everyone can use a refresh. This is a perfect time of year to redecorate classroom walls, declutter desks and shelves and rotate classroom resources to keep the kids interested and surprised. Lean into peers and what they learned at spring PD for new ideas.

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Delegation Dilemma

Every school is challenged with too much to do and not enough time to do it so delegation and shared knowledge is challenge we all face. We lean in on one person to own a progect, program or process all by themselves — which works great until that person leaves or retires. Learn more about…

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